Frequently Asked Question

Currency, Price Format, and Currency Position
Last Updated a year ago

Purpose: These settings allow you to define the currency used for transactions, customize how prices are displayed, and specify the position of the currency symbol in relation to the price.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the "Settings" section.
  3. Click on the "General" tab.
  4. Currency Setting:
    • Locate the "Currency" field and choose your desired currency from the dropdown.
  5. Price Format Setting:
    • In the same "Currency Settings" section, choose your preferred "Price Format" from the available options.
  6. Currency Position Setting:
    • Below the "Price Format" setting, specify the position of the currency symbol in relation to the price (e.g., before or after the price).
  7. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

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