Frequently Asked Question

Mail Settings
Last Updated a year ago

Purpose: These settings allow you to configure the email driver, SMTP server details, encryption protocol, and sender information for sending emails from your platform.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the "Settings" section.
  3. Click on the "Mail" tab.
  4. Driver:
    • Locate the "Driver" field and choose the desired email driver from the available options.
  5. SMTP Host Address:
    • Enter the SMTP host address in the "SMTP Host Address" field.
  6. SMTP Host Port:
    • Specify the SMTP host port in the "SMTP Host Port" field.
  7. SMTP Server Username:
    • Enter the username associated with your SMTP server in the "SMTP Server Username" field.
  8. SMTP Server Password:
    • Provide the password for your SMTP server in the "SMTP Server Password" field.
  9. E-Mail Encryption Protocol:
    • Choose the encryption protocol for secure email transmission.
  10. Mail From Address:
    • Enter the email address from which emails will be sent in the "Mail From Address" field.
  11. Mail From Name:
    • Provide the name that should appear as the sender's name in emails in the "Mail From Name" field.
  12. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

By configuring these mail settings, you ensure that your platform can effectively send emails to users.

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